28-11-2016, 11:44 AM
One of Americas leading PGA golfers lives in Florida in a grand house , for exercise one day he decided to mow his own lawn, he was working away wearing just jeans and t shirt when a long Cadillac pulls up at the front gate..
A lady with a plummy accent calls out " Excuse me my man" he stops the mower and wanders over
Lady; " how much would you charge to mow my Lawn?"
Golfer: " um. i am not sure...
... you see the lady who lives here lets me sleep with her"
squeal of tires as the Cadillac burns rubber leaving
A lady with a plummy accent calls out " Excuse me my man" he stops the mower and wanders over
Lady; " how much would you charge to mow my Lawn?"
Golfer: " um. i am not sure...
... you see the lady who lives here lets me sleep with her"
squeal of tires as the Cadillac burns rubber leaving