23-10-2011, 05:54 PM
- This addon is helpful to change your color font using the color codes like you want and this addon work on mIRC or any script based on it.
1- Go on Tools on the MenuBar - Script Editor - Remote - File - New then copy the code down and paste it there then press Ok.
2- Download the Color.mrc down, Put it on the mirc folder and go on Tools on the MenuBar - Script Editor --- > Remote - File - Load and then choose the place of the Color.mrc and then press Ok.
alias coloron { set -n %color $1 }
alias coloroff { unset %color }
on *:input:*:{
if (%color) && ($left($1,1) !isin /!) && (c !isincs $chan(#).mode) {
say $chr(3) $+ %color $+ $chr(2) $+ $chr(2) $+ $1-
How to use
- Use it is very simple you need to know the color codes first .. to know them press Ctrl + K and it will give u a small list of the colors code to choose anyone.
- To make it work and change the color of the font u need to type /coloron <color code> as for example if you want to chose blue press /coloron then ctrl +k and then choose the color then press enter.
- To make the color font back as black (Off) just press /coloroff.
That there few addons which conflict the color and u might see 2 outputs showing like acronmys or themes etc, so make sure u dont have any
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.