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Whois Raws
[glow=red,2,300]Whois Raws[/glow]
How to load the addon on your mIRC script (choose either 1 or 2)

1- Go on Tools on the MenuBar - Script Editor - Remote - File -  (or ALT+R) New then copy the code down and paste it there then press Ok.

2- Download the on whois.mrc down, Put it on the mirc folder and go on Tools on the MenuBar - Script Editor --- > Remote - File  - (or ALT+R) Load and then choose the place of the on whois.mrc and then press Open then Ok.

; Active Whois ;
RAW 311:*: {
  set -u1 %x 1
  echo -a 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~11W10ho11I10s4~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  echo -a 14¤Nick:4 $2 $+ 
  echo -a 14¤Real Name:4 $mid($gettok($2-,2,42),2,99) $+ 
  echo -a 14¤Address:4 $mid($address($2,1),4,99) $+ 
raw 379:*: { echo -a 14¤User Modes:4 $6- $+  | halt }
raw 378:*: { echo -a 14¤Host:4 $6 14¤IP:4 $7 $+  | halt }
raw 307:*: { echo -a $smb 14¤4User Is A Registered Client | halt }
raw 312:*: { echo -a 14¤Using Server:4 $3 - $remove($4-,$chr(58)) $+  | halt }
RAW 319:*: { echo -a 14¤Channels: 4 $+ $replace($3-,~,0~4,&,0&4,@,0@4,%,0%4,+,0+4) $+  | halt }
raw 301:*: {
  echo -a $smb 14¤Away:4 $3- $+ 
  else { echo -a  $smb $2 is Away. $sv(Reason,$3-) }
RAW 317:*: {
  echo -a 14¤Has Been Signed On For:4  $replace($duration($calc($ctime - $4)),wk,4 Week4,min,4 Minute4,sec,4 Secound4,day,4 Day4,hr,4 Hour4) 
  echo -a 14¤Has Been Idle For:4 $replace($duration($3),wk,4 Week4,min,4 Minute4,sec,4 Secound4,day,4 Day4,hr,4 Hour4)
raw 310:*: { echo -a 14¤Helpful:4 $2 is available for help. | halt }
raw 313:*: { echo -a 14¤IRC Status:4 $5- $+  | halt }
raw 320:*: { echo -a 14¤Oper Info:4 $3- $+  | halt }
raw 335:*: { echo -a 14¤4User Is A Bot | halt }
raw 671:*: { echo -a 14¤4Client Is Using A Secure Connection | halt }
raw 318:*: { echo -a 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~11E10nd 11O10f 11W10ho11I10s4~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | halt }

; Active RAWS  ;
raw *:*: if ($istok(219 244,$numeric,32)) halt
raw 213:*: { echo  -s 14¤4 $+ $5 @ $3  | halt }
raw 305:*: { echo  -a 14¤4You Are No Longer Marked As Being Away | halt }
raw 306:*: { echo  -a 14¤4You Are Now Marked As Being Away | halt }
raw 401:*: { echo  -a 14¤4Sorry, But There Is No Such Nick/Channel Called:10 $2  | haltdef }
raw 402:*: { echo  -a 14¤4Sorry, But There Is No Such Server Called:  $+ $2  | halt }
raw 403:*: { echo  -a 14¤4No Such Channel As:  $+ $2  | halt }
raw 404:*: { echo  -a 14¤4Cannot Send To Channel:  $+ $2  | halt }
raw 432:*: { echo  -s 14¤4This Is An Erronous Nickname:  $+ $2 | halt }
raw 441:*: { echo  -s 14¤4They Aren't On That Channel:  $+ $2 | halt }
raw 442:*: { echo  -s 14¤4Your Not On That Channel:  $+ $2 | halt }
raw 461:*: { echo  -s 14¤4Not Enough Parameters:  $+ $2 | halt }
raw 471:*: { echo  -s 14¤4You Cannot join This Channel. Mode: (+l):  $+ $2 | halt }
raw 472:*: { echo  -s 14¤4Unknown Char:  $+ $2 | halt }
raw 473:*: { echo  -s 14¤4You Cannot Join This Channel. Mode: (+i):  $+ $2 | halt }
raw 474:*: { echo  -s 14¤4You Cannot Join This Channel. Mode: (+b):  $+ $2 | halt }
raw 475:*: { echo  -s 14¤4You Cannot Join This Channel. Mode: (+k):  $+ $2 | halt }
raw 482:*: { echo  -s 14¤4Your Not A Channel Operater In:  $+ $2 | halt }
raw 491:*: { echo  -s 14¤4No O-lines For Your Host  | halt }

on *:LOAD:{ echo 3 -a *** Whois Raws Script has been loaded! }

Attached Files
.mrc   whois.mrc (Size: 3.04 KB / Downloads: 404)

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