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Dam-Online | Auto Equipment |Cap 110 | PVE | Low Rates | Orginial Game Play2Win

Welcome to DaM-Online official
I'm proud to finally present to you the server we spent long time thread!
working hard on just to keep it well-established
DaM-Online is based on Vsro files
Server is lunched 10/02/2015
Server Time :Online

[Image: V53Ge.png]

DaM-Online l Links
[Image: wm9Md.png]
™:: DaM-Online (Pve) :: ™

[Image: RuMqb.png]

[Image: V53Ge.png]

[table][tr][td]Type  Information
Start  1
Cap  110
Skills  110
Race  EU & CH
Mastercap  330
EXP  30x
Party  60x
Gold  20x
Sox  3x
IP Limit  8
Alchemy  iSRO Rates
FGW Talismans rate  2x iSRO rate
CTF  working
BA  working
Battle Arena  Enabled
Capture The Flag  Enabled
Fortress  Jangan-Bandit-Hotan
Bot  Allowed
Academy  Enabled
Silk    1Silk/H

[Image: V53Ge.png]

Server Features:

Magic Pop From 1D ~ 10D.

Uniques (INT) and (STR).

Sun Item's In Npc +7 FB D1 ~ D9.

Arabia Uniques ( Working 100% )

Survival arenas.

New Avatars.

3 Pages Inventory, 1 Page Grab Pet.

New Premium Gold Time ( 5 hours + 15 str/int )

New Premium PLUS ( 5 hours + 20 str/int )

Roc Key for gold at Jangan's NPC (Roc gate entrance is up to Level 110).

Jangan Cave has been closed and replaced the mobs/uniques inside with the ones in Donwhang.

Character speed in game (50% increase).

Stall and exchange gold limits has been increased to (99B)

Stack-able Items like Bolts, Arrows, HP/MP and stuff like that ( Stack up to 10k ).

Medusa teleport from Jangan's Dimensional Gate.

Uniques Drop Gold Coin - Silver Coin - Iron Coin - Copper Coin - Arena Coin (Isis - Anubis - etc -  intermediate and advanced Holy water temple )

[Image: V53Ge.png]

Available Towns:

Jangan: Available.

Jangan Cave : Not Available. [Mobs of Jangan's Cave are replaced with the one in DonWhang]

Donwhang: Available.

Donwhang Cave: Available.

Hotan: Available.

Samarkand: Available.

Constantinople: Available.

Alexandria: Available.

Jop-Temple: Available.

[Image: V53Ge.png]

[Image: MrAvg.jpg]

[Image: Dkxnf.jpg]

[Image: V53Ge.png]

Stones In NPC
[Image: u7Drg.jpg]

[Image: V53Ge.png]

New Stones
[Image: kSobh.jpg]

[Image: V53Ge.png]

New Pets
[Image: hqDPd.jpg]

[Image: V53Ge.png]
[Image: rE08f.jpg]

[Image: V53Ge.png]

[Image: an0Ef.jpg]

[Image: V53Ge.png]
F10 Old Sro

[Image: UFMqd.jpg]

[Image: zBCRg.jpg]

[Image: cDWOe.jpg]

[Image: khUsh.jpg]

[Image: J2a2h.jpg]

[Image: xi6Lh.jpg]

[SPOILER]And More Avatar[/SPOILER]

[Image: V53Ge.png]

[Image: E5sqe.jpg]

[Image: V53Ge.png]

New Avtars
[Image: T8LYb.jpg][Image: ID3ud.jpg][Image: wdMJb.jpg]

[Image: V53Ge.png]

About Us
Team Members
All team members speak English
[GM] Chaos
[GM] iTunes

[Image: V53Ge.png]

About DaM-Online
DaM-Online is the private server which is modified to give players more fun, more experince. server based on players idea's
we modified the server to be free2play

[Image: V53Ge.png]

Do not forget to rate 5 stars If you like the server
If you like the server Please *Thanks if you're about to join us =)
Feel free to leave any comment/suggestion below.
We really want to hear your voice. Make us Better!
We even accept bad comments another way we
wouldn't believe in democracy.
Your Sincerely,

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