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in Miscellaneous by (260 points)
I now find that the webchat.librairc.net option no longer works :(

Tells me "The connection has timed out" and I have tried Chrome, Firefox and even IE (ewww). Ho hum. Could the IT where I work have "strengthened"

a firewall or sonething?  Appreciated.

4 Answers

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by (1.1k points)
The  problem is not your end  it is ours, maybe try www.librairc.net or www.englishchat.net until we get webchat page fixed
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by (260 points)
Hi libra, and thx for the answer. As I said originally, I only use webchat.librairc.net at work cos librairc.net never worked there - was told it's cos chatrooms seem to use 20th century Flash still, haha.

Still to try the www.englishchat.net tho (pity bout the name cos an a Scot lol).

For info webchat.librairc.net doesn't even work at home, only the webchat-less does.

Take care, Curly.
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by (260 points)
Oh well, from work, just get error using both www.librairc.net and www.englishchat.net, so I guess I shall just have to wait until sometime that webchat.librairc.net is sorted.
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by (2.0k points)
Is now fixed, sorry for latency.

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