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Track User
  • This addon will let you see the other nicks from the users they used when they join and also when u make right click on any nick on the nicklist and choose  Track Users --- > View Other Nicknames

How to load the addon on your mIRC script (choose either 1 or 2)

1- Go on Tools on the MenuBar - Script Editor - Remote - File - New then copy the code down and paste it there then press Ok.

2- Download the Track User.mrc down, Put it on the mirc folder and go on Tools on the MenuBar - Script Editor --- > Remote - File  - Load and then choose the place of the Track User.mrc and then press Open then Ok.


  ; Create a hash table and load the saved user data
  hmake trackusers 10
  if ($isfile(trackusers.dat)) {
    hload trackusers trackusers.dat
on *:JOIN:#: {
  ; Check if there are any nicknames for this mask
  if ($hget(trackusers,$address($nick,2))) {
    var %n = $ifmatch
    ; Delete the current nickname from the list of used nicknames
    if ($istok(%n,$nick,32)) { var %d = $deltok(%n,$findtok(%n,$nick,1,32),32) }
    else { var %d = %n }
    ; If there are no nicknames left in the list then stop
    if (!%d) { return }
    ; Display the nicknames
    echo $colour(info) -ti2 $chan * $nick has also used the nickname $+ $iif($numtok(%d,32) > 1,s:,:) %d
    if (!$istok(%n,$nick,32)) {
      ; Add the current nickname to the list
      hadd trackusers $address($nick,2) %n $nick
  else {
    ; Create a new entry for this mask
    hadd trackusers $address($nick,2) $nick
on *:NICK: {
  if ($hget(trackusers,$address($newnick,2))) {
    var %n = $ifmatch
    if (!$istok(%n,$newnick,32)) {
      ; Append the new nickname to the list for this mask
      hadd trackusers $address($newnick,2) %n $newnick
  else {
    ; Create a new entry for this mask
    hadd trackusers $address($nick,2) $newnick
menu nicklist,query {
  Track Users
  .View Other Nicknames:{
    if (!$address($$1,2)) { echo $colour(info) -ti2 # * IAL not updated for $$1 $+ , performing userhost lookup | userhost $$1 | return }
    if ($hget(trackusers,$address($$1,2))) {
      var %n = $ifmatch
      if ($istok(%n,$$1,32)) { var %d = $deltok(%n,$findtok(%n,$$1,1,32),32) }
      else { var %d = %n }
      if (!%d) { goto notknown }
      echo $colour(info) -ti2 # * $$1 has also used the nickname $+ $iif($numtok(%d,32) > 1,s:,:) %d
    else {
      echo $colour(info) -ti2 # * $$1 has not been known by any other nickname
  ; This resets the data for this nick's mask only
  .Reset:hdel trackusers $address($$1,2)
ON *:EXIT: {
  ; Save data on exit
  if ($hget(trackusers)) { hsave -o trackusers trackusers.dat }

How to use
  • Normally it will work auto some people will load it and say it doesnt appear the other nicknames or its not working ... i will say it working fine just load it and wait couple days so that he can recognize and save the other nicks

Attached Files
.mrc   Track User.mrc (Size: 2.1 KB / Downloads: 864)
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
Agent, you will need to attach trackusers.dat or anyone want to use this addon they need creat it.
Thanks for sharing Smile SmileSmile
not really bro .. it don't need dat file... but i will see
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
does this go off just the stuff after the @ or the ident as well?

x TT
the ident as well Treasure_Tiger
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
i think it would be better without ident...cause users often change idents (i.e. script change -> maybe new ident)...but the host itself in that case stays the same

also the ":notknown" thing.... an echo on every Userjoin?...definetly too much, isnt it? Wink WinkWink
I wasn't born to become happy, I was born to help others to become happy!
Kev :]
whats the :notknown thing ?
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
The "notknown" is just what you get if you manually check someone for previous nicks. If there are no other nicks seen, then you will have "<nick> has not been known by any other nickname".

You do NOT get anything if ppl join with no other nick seen from that ident/ip.
he saves from what he see as u must be in the channel if there has been a nick change if it was in another room and the user joined your room u will see no other nicks was used..
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
ahhh sry for that...i thought ":notknown" would be in the on:join-event, not in the manually checking part.... my fault Tongue TongueTongue

but still...wouldn't "*!*@xxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxx" be better?
I wasn't born to become happy, I was born to help others to become happy!
Kev :]
okay let me explain why its ident even i can edit it for only ip ... so that i can catch the ban jumpers and the flooders who change there ip .. cuz as u know its not easy to change your ident ...thats all
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
but there wont be an echo when the ident stays the same, but the host is different...

cause then, the strings that are compared are different

for ur example, only the ident would be compared

so u are catch banjumpers, it is good to compare the idents...

ur script compares ident + host ... so if u want to catch flooders and banjumpers (as u said) u have to change ur script!

concerning my idea, i would prefer to only compare the ips... maybe someone uses more that one script on one PC, with different idents, in that case, the script would work too...
I wasn't born to become happy, I was born to help others to become happy!
Kev :]
okay the addon has been updated to work for only hostmasks ... thanks Nex Smile SmileSmile
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

this is bit confusion abt track user. i tried it but its not working.

btw i had 1 file to jus simply copy paste into script folder and loads it. it was very easy to but i cant find it in my pc but i am searching it if i will find i will post it here. it was very simple and worked well. if any one need it ask meh..



this is bit confusion abt track user. i tried it but its not working.

btw i had 1 file to jus simply copy paste into script folder and loads it. it was very easy to but i cant find it in my pc but i am searching it if i will find i will post it here. it was very simple and worked well. if any one need it ask meh..



im using it and its working .. tell me how you did it maybe u missed something
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
What a shame that you stripped the original author's info from the top of this script before posting his code here in an attempt to make it look as if it is your own.  No, you didn't actually SAY it was your own, but why would you remove his info?

The original "Also Known As" script can be found on Hawkee -- from 2003, by 'tye'.
I didn't say its my own O.o

i just got it and shared it to others

and i just edited it so that it work with full ip not ident and domain thats all
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
(24-10-2011, 10:20 PM)MinD link Wrote:
  • This addon will let you see the other nicks from the users they used when they join and also when u make right click on any nick on the nicklist and choose  Track Users --- > View Other Nicknames
How to load the addon on your mIRC script (choose either 1 or 2)

1- Go on Tools on the MenuBar - Script Editor - Remote - File - New then copy the code down and paste it there then press Ok.

2- Download the Track User.mrc down, Put it on the mirc folder and go on Tools on the MenuBar - Script Editor --- > Remote - File  - Load and then choose the place of the Track User.mrc and then press Open then Ok.


  ; Create a hash table and load the saved user data
  hmake trackusers 10
  if ($isfile(trackusers.dat)) {
    hload trackusers trackusers.dat
on *:JOIN:#: {
  ; Check if there are any nicknames for this mask
  if ($hget(trackusers,$address($nick,2))) {
    var %n = $ifmatch
    ; Delete the current nickname from the list of used nicknames
    if ($istok(%n,$nick,32)) { var %d = $deltok(%n,$findtok(%n,$nick,1,32),32) }
    else { var %d = %n }
    ; If there are no nicknames left in the list then stop
    if (!%d) { return }
    ; Display the nicknames
    echo $colour(info) -ti2 $chan * $nick has also used the nickname $+ $iif($numtok(%d,32) > 1,s:,:) %d
    if (!$istok(%n,$nick,32)) {
      ; Add the current nickname to the list
      hadd trackusers $address($nick,2) %n $nick
  else {
    ; Create a new entry for this mask
    hadd trackusers $address($nick,2) $nick
on *:NICK: {
  if ($hget(trackusers,$address($newnick,2))) {
    var %n = $ifmatch
    if (!$istok(%n,$newnick,32)) {
      ; Append the new nickname to the list for this mask
      hadd trackusers $address($newnick,2) %n $newnick
  else {
    ; Create a new entry for this mask
    hadd trackusers $address($nick,2) $newnick
menu nicklist,query {
  Track Users
  .View Other Nicknames:{
    if (!$address($$1,2)) { echo $colour(info) -ti2 # * IAL not updated for $$1 $+ , performing userhost lookup | userhost $$1 | return }
    if ($hget(trackusers,$address($$1,2))) {
      var %n = $ifmatch
      if ($istok(%n,$$1,32)) { var %d = $deltok(%n,$findtok(%n,$$1,1,32),32) }
      else { var %d = %n }
      if (!%d) { goto notknown }
      echo $colour(info) -ti2 # * $$1 has also used the nickname $+ $iif($numtok(%d,32) > 1,s:,:) %d
    else {
      echo $colour(info) -ti2 # * $$1 has not been known by any other nickname
  ; This resets the data for this nick's mask only
  .Reset:hdel trackusers $address($$1,2)
ON *:EXIT: {
  ; Save data on exit
  if ($hget(trackusers)) { hsave -o trackusers trackusers.dat }

How to use
  • Normally it will work auto some people will load it and say it doesnt appear the other nicknames or its not working ... i will say it working fine just load it and wait couple days so that he can recognize and save the other nicks
Omer KamaL Sukara

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