27-10-2011, 03:45 AM
Access List:
[ v ] [nick] Gives voice to [nick]. Voiced users have no real power, the only thing special about being voiced is being able to speak when mode +m is set.
[ h ] [nick] Gives halfop status to the user (+o and above only).
[ o ] [nick] Gives operator status to the user.
[ a ] [nick]Gives protect status to the user, preventing them from being kicked (+q only).
[ q ] [nick] Gives owner status to the user, preventing them from being kicked (Services only).
List Modes:
[ b ][n!u@h] Bans matching hostmask = nick!ident@host from joining the channel. Also, be sure to check out the extbans.
[ e ][n!u@h] Excepts hostmask = nick!ident@host from bans.
[ I ][n!u@h] Excepts hostmask = nick!ident@host from chmode +i, allowing matching users to join while the channel is invite-only (chan mode +i).
[ g ][keyword] Blocks messages matching the given keyword. eg: (/mode +g *key*word*)
Other Modes:
[ c ] Blocks messages containing mIRC colour codes.
[ d ][sec]Disallows a user from talking in the channel unless they've been joined for [num] seconds.
[ f ]{*}[num]:[sec] Allows only [num] messages from a user every [sec] seconds. Exceeding this will enact a KICK on the offending user (or ban if the * is included.)
[ i ] Makes the channel invite-only. Users can only join if an operator uses /INVITE to invite them.
[ j ][num]:[sec] Allows only [num] users to join the channel in [sec] seconds.
[ k ][key] Sets a key on the channel (password).
[ l ][number] Sets the channel limit to [number]. Once the limit is reached, no more users can join.
[ m ]Enable moderation. Only users with +v or higher can speak.
[ n ] Blocks users who are not members of the channel from messaging it.
[ p ] Make channel private, hiding it in user's whoises and replacing it with * in /LIST, but WILL still show up in your WHOIS.
[ r ] Marks the channel as registered with Services (Services only).
[ s ] Make channel secret, hiding it in user's whoises and /LIST.
[ t ] Only users with +h or higher can change the topic.
[ A ] Allows all users in the channel to use /INVITE, even if they don't have half-op or above.
[ B ] Blocks messages with too many capital letters, as determined by the network configuration.
[ C ] Blocks any CTCPs to the channel. (CTCPs are Client to Client Protocols its a set of rules thats areĀ between one client and another it work for the commands that are direct and doesnt need an accept or refuse like ping finger time version and DCC. etc)
[ F ][num]:[sec] Allows only [num] nick changes every [sec] seconds in a channel.
[ G ] Censors messages to the channel based on the network configuration.
[ H ][num
ec] Displays the last [num] lines of chat to a user joining a channel; [sec] is the maximum time to keep lines in the history buffer. Designed so that the
new user knows what the current topic of conversation is when joining the channel.
[ J ][sec] Disallows a user from joining [sec] seconds after being kicked.
[ K ] Blocks /KNOCK on the channel. (/KNOCK is used when the channel is +i as it sends notice at the room while u cant join it)
[ L ][channel] If the channel reaches its limit set by +l, users will be redirected to [channel] .
[ M ] Blocks unregistered users from speaking.
[ N ] Prevents users on the channel from changing nickname.
[ O ] Channel is IRCops only (IRCops only).
[ P ] Makes the channel permanent; Bans, invites, the topic, modes, and such will not be lost when it empties (IRCops only)..
[ Q ] Only ulined servers and their users can kick other users. (ulined servers like chanserv, ircops etc)
[ R ] Blocks unregistered users from joining.
[ S ] Strips mIRC colour codes from messages to the channel.
[ T ] Blocks /NOTICEs to the channel from users who are not at least halfop.
[ X ][Permission]:[Mode] It allows channel-operators (or other users) to override certain channel modes.
Permission: blockcaps (+B), blockcolor (+c), filter (+g), flood (+f), nickflood (+F), noctcp (+C), nonick (+N), nonotice (+T), regmoderated (+M), stripcolor (+S) and topiclock (+t).
Modes: (q, a, o, h or v) = (owner, protect, fullop, halfop, voice).
[ v ] [nick] Gives voice to [nick]. Voiced users have no real power, the only thing special about being voiced is being able to speak when mode +m is set.
/mode #<channel> +v <nickname>
[ h ] [nick] Gives halfop status to the user (+o and above only).
/mode #<channel> +h <nickname>
[ o ] [nick] Gives operator status to the user.
/mode #<channel> +o <nickname>
[ a ] [nick]Gives protect status to the user, preventing them from being kicked (+q only).
/mode #<channel> +a <nickname>
[ q ] [nick] Gives owner status to the user, preventing them from being kicked (Services only).
/mode #<channel> +q <nickname>
List Modes:
[ b ][n!u@h] Bans matching hostmask = nick!ident@host from joining the channel. Also, be sure to check out the extbans.
/mode #<channel> +b <hostmask>
[ e ][n!u@h] Excepts hostmask = nick!ident@host from bans.
/mode #<channel> +e <hostmask>
[ I ][n!u@h] Excepts hostmask = nick!ident@host from chmode +i, allowing matching users to join while the channel is invite-only (chan mode +i).
/mode #<channel> +I <hostmask>
[ g ][keyword] Blocks messages matching the given keyword. eg: (/mode +g *key*word*)
/mode #<channel> +g [keyword]
Other Modes:
[ c ] Blocks messages containing mIRC colour codes.
/mode #<channel> +c
[ d ][sec]Disallows a user from talking in the channel unless they've been joined for [num] seconds.
/mode #<channel> +d [sec]
[ f ]{*}[num]:[sec] Allows only [num] messages from a user every [sec] seconds. Exceeding this will enact a KICK on the offending user (or ban if the * is included.)
/mode #<channel> +f {*}[line]:[sec]
[ i ] Makes the channel invite-only. Users can only join if an operator uses /INVITE to invite them.
/mode #<channel> +i
[ j ][num]:[sec] Allows only [num] users to join the channel in [sec] seconds.
/mode #<channel> +j [num]:[sec]
[ k ][key] Sets a key on the channel (password).
/mode #<channel> +k [key]
[ l ][number] Sets the channel limit to [number]. Once the limit is reached, no more users can join.
/mode #<channel> +l [number]
[ m ]Enable moderation. Only users with +v or higher can speak.
/mode #<channel> +m
[ n ] Blocks users who are not members of the channel from messaging it.
/mode #<channel> +n
[ p ] Make channel private, hiding it in user's whoises and replacing it with * in /LIST, but WILL still show up in your WHOIS.
/mode #<channel> +p
[ r ] Marks the channel as registered with Services (Services only).
/mode #<channel> +r
[ s ] Make channel secret, hiding it in user's whoises and /LIST.
/mode #<channel> +s
[ t ] Only users with +h or higher can change the topic.
/mode #<channel> +t
[ A ] Allows all users in the channel to use /INVITE, even if they don't have half-op or above.
/mode #<channel> +A
[ B ] Blocks messages with too many capital letters, as determined by the network configuration.
/mode #<channel> +B
[ C ] Blocks any CTCPs to the channel. (CTCPs are Client to Client Protocols its a set of rules thats areĀ between one client and another it work for the commands that are direct and doesnt need an accept or refuse like ping finger time version and DCC. etc)
/mode #<channel> +C
[ F ][num]:[sec] Allows only [num] nick changes every [sec] seconds in a channel.
/mode #<channel> +F [numb]:[sec]
[ G ] Censors messages to the channel based on the network configuration.
/mode #<channel> +G
[ H ][num

new user knows what the current topic of conversation is when joining the channel.
/mode #<channel> +H [numb]:[sec]
[ J ][sec] Disallows a user from joining [sec] seconds after being kicked.
/mode #<channel> +J [sec]
[ K ] Blocks /KNOCK on the channel. (/KNOCK is used when the channel is +i as it sends notice at the room while u cant join it)
/mode #<channel> +K
[ L ][channel] If the channel reaches its limit set by +l, users will be redirected to [channel] .
/mode #<channel> +L #[channel]
[ M ] Blocks unregistered users from speaking.
/mode #<channel> +M
[ N ] Prevents users on the channel from changing nickname.
/mode #<channel> +N
[ O ] Channel is IRCops only (IRCops only).
/mode #<channel> +O
[ P ] Makes the channel permanent; Bans, invites, the topic, modes, and such will not be lost when it empties (IRCops only)..
/mode #<channel> +P
[ Q ] Only ulined servers and their users can kick other users. (ulined servers like chanserv, ircops etc)
/mode #<channel> +Q
[ R ] Blocks unregistered users from joining.
/mode #<channel> +R
[ S ] Strips mIRC colour codes from messages to the channel.
/mode #<channel> +S
[ T ] Blocks /NOTICEs to the channel from users who are not at least halfop.
/mode #<channel> +T
[ X ][Permission]:[Mode] It allows channel-operators (or other users) to override certain channel modes.
Permission: blockcaps (+B), blockcolor (+c), filter (+g), flood (+f), nickflood (+F), noctcp (+C), nonick (+N), nonotice (+T), regmoderated (+M), stripcolor (+S) and topiclock (+t).
Modes: (q, a, o, h or v) = (owner, protect, fullop, halfop, voice).
/mode #<channel> +X topiclock:o
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.