How to be a Chanop or Helpop ?

Below I will do an example of how we want you to type your application. Just open a new ticket with chanop or helpop applications selected and fill in the information required.

Please be patient as we work through all the applications, but if you are successful a memo or email will instruct you on the next step in the process.

NOTE: Please provide your REGISTERED nickname. If your nickname is not registered, your application will be deleted.

Nick : Sammy (put here all nicks you used before)

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Location:  Spain

How long on LibraIRC: 2 months

Languages : Spanish, English, French

Channels you chat in: #Spanish , #Newbies, #Romance

Knowledge of IRC and IRC Clients:  Very good knowledge of IRC and knowledge of mIRC.

Any Additional Info :  I was recently a chanop on another Network for 2 years. I am a webmaster and have knowledge of CSS and PHP.

Do you think you will be a good chanop and why: I have patience with people and I have been a chanop before so do have previous experience of dealing with the public. My main aim is to make sure  that when chatters come to the Network they can have a good chat experience.

How many hours a week do you spend online on IRC : Around 10 hours mostly.

Article Details

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Date added:
05/11/2015 08:45:11
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