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Quote: 231; Rating: 29;
"(17:08:35) <Guest_3421> Machines will take over earth in  far future !!!!!!!!!
(17:08:53) <Guest_3421> and we will not only chat but live in virtual world
(17:08:56) <Guest_3421> and be slaves
(17:09:00) <Guest_3421> of our own mind
(17:09:01) <ezz> omg!¨
(17:09:05) <VoXpoPuli> LOL
(17:09:12) ezz panics
(17:09:15) <Guest_3421> :P
(17:09:17) <VoXpoPuli> hahaha
(17:09:21) <Guest_3421> could hapen !!!
(17:09:23) <Guest_3421> xD
(17:09:28) <ezz> lol
(17:09:43) Rickk [r@E1A35B.90AABE.FE6666.DD6B10] has joined #chatworld
(17:09:46) <Guest_3421> i said far future :P look at age 1850
(17:09:50) <Guest_3421> compare  that age with 2010
(17:09:58) <Guest_3421> diffrence :O
(17:10:05) <Guest_3421> imagine how will world look in 3120
(17:10:10) <Guest_3421> space"
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