27-06-2012, 12:55 PM
This is a simple mIRC script replacing MinDFreaks way above.
I'm not a coder, so please don't judge me that hard.
I made that little script some time ago and just fixed some things and translated it into English.
However, this addon does not use Perform
and allows you to change your password while being connected.
You can change the password saved in the addon and the password on NickServ. The second one automatically overwrites the addon password.
In Addion to that, a short command, called /info will display short information you saved.
It also disables user mode +c on connect.
A timer will prevent you from being booted for Excess flood.
This addon must be loaded into the Remote section of your mirc, as found in the Scripts Editor.
I'm not a coder, so please don't judge me that hard.
I made that little script some time ago and just fixed some things and translated it into English.
However, this addon does not use Perform
and allows you to change your password while being connected.
You can change the password saved in the addon and the password on NickServ. The second one automatically overwrites the addon password.
In Addion to that, a short command, called /info will display short information you saved.
It also disables user mode +c on connect.
A timer will prevent you from being booted for Excess flood.
This addon must be loaded into the Remote section of your mirc, as found in the Scripts Editor.
on *:load: {
set %pass $?="Please enter your nick password. You will be able to change it later on."
echo AutoIdentidy loaded.
on *:connect: {
.timer 1 0 msg nickserv identify %pass
. .timer 1 0 mode $me -c
; .timer 1 1 Add additional command here
; .timer 1 2 Add additional command here
; .timer 1 3 Add additional command here
menu * {
.Change Password on NickServ: {
set %pass $?="Enter your new password."
msg nickserv set password %pass
.Change Addon Password: {
set %pass $?="Enter your new password."
.Not registered yet?
.Register to NickServ: {
set %pass $?="Enter your registration password."
set %RegMail $?="Enter your registration e-Mail. This has to be a valid email."
msg NickServ register %pass %RegMail
alias info {
echo Displaying information.
echo -----------------------------------
echo You are $me
echo Your saved nick password is %pass
echo You are connected to $server
echo End of information
echo -----------------------------------